On March 8th, the feminist march took place in Luxembourg, as well as in many other cities around the world where many women, sisters, and mothers gathered to make their voices heard, to denounce a society that still today does not offer the same rights and gender equality.

But let’s take a step back to understand why it is so important to demonstrate on this day and why it is considered the International Day of Women’s rights? In recent years, there have been changes, but they are not yet enough. Every day, a woman is a victim of gender-based violence at work and the gender pay gap, in universities, and private life. In Luxembourg, 1 in 4 women has been a victim of sexual violence in her lifetime, and over 15% of these have been (or are) victims of psychological violence. It is important to demonstrate, to take to the squares so that no woman feels alone, and to make our voices heard. It is important to get our message to policymakers and implement concrete actions to fight inequalities not only towards women but also towards minorities. Every person matters, and our contribution can make a difference.

March 8th was exciting to see how many people participated in the feminist march in Luxembourg, including several volunteers from YOU ARE. Hundreds of protesters, various associations, and several political representatives took part in the event, including the Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity, Yuriko Backes.
At 5 pm, we all met in “Place de Paris” and then walked together on this very important day to the destination: Knuedler (Place Guillaume II), crossing the capital of Luxembourg. The day continued from 7 pm onwards with a concert organized for the occasion.

Kehsia, along with the volunteers from YOU ARE, promotes the cultural and civil growth of women and young people every day and is thrilled to have supported such an important and current initiative. During the march, we had the pleasure of walking alongside some of the project coordinators who were present, specifically to support the march and all the values we carry forward day by day. Through knowledge and awareness, we can contribute to an effective change from our small part. Among our values, we strongly believe in participation, equality, and the inclusion of human beings, striving to offer an increasingly central role for women and minorities.
Events like this are fundamental not only for raising public awareness and inciting change at the legislative and cultural level but also serve as moments of solidarity and collective strength. The presence of people of every gender, age, and background underscores the universality of the fight for women’s rights and the need for a cross-cutting commitment to build a fair and equal society.
Together we can make a difference. Let’s educate ourselves together and actively contribute to the fight for a fairer world for everyone. March 8th is a day of celebration, but the battle for women’s rights is daily and requires the commitment of everyone.