Support Innovation

Our goal is to foster innovation in third-sector businesses, associations, cooperatives, and organizations. To assist them in overcoming the challenges of an economic and professional environment that is constantly changing, we are dedicated to continuously enhancing the professional skills and capacities of organizations and, by extension, of individuals.

Citizen Science

KEHSIA is committed to supporting a wide range of outreach activities or initiatives that involve the community and connect science to society. This concept, known as “citizen science”, helps to increase confidence in scientific research, and represents a genuine research method, that involves people as an integral part of the scientific process.

Female Dimension

KEHSIA operates with solidarity, and a social purpose in mind, promoting the full development of organisations and their staff, strengthening the potential for growth and employment, particularly of women. We believe that through social and technological innovation of processes and production, we can promote and achieve a greater presence of women in public, private, and third-sector entities.


Have a Look at Our Projects!

Projects empower us to transform ideas into reality, fostering creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration. They fuel our growth by providing hands-on experience, teaching us valuable lessons from successes and setbacks. Engaging in projects cultivates skills, builds confidence, and cultivates a proactive mindset, all essential for navigating a dynamic world. We believe that through innovation – social and technological – in processes and production, we can promote and achieve a greater presence of women and young people in public, private and third-sector entities.

Working in progress

Working in progress

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.